Thank You for Supporting Lafayette Short-term Rentals

The Lafayette City Council is considering new regulations on short-term rentals. AirBnB and VRBO rentals must already follow the same noise, parking and nuisance laws as any other rental property. We are integral to Lafayette’s vital tourism market. Thank you for helping us tell positive stories about your stay in Lafayette.

E-mail or Call our Local Representatives
Send an e-mail entitled “I support Short-term Rentals” to the city council and mayor (addresses below). Tell them about your experience, why you were in town, and what you loved. Tell them where you spent your money – what you did and where you ate. Or if you’d prefer, you can also call them. Thank you so much!

City Council Members

Nanette Cook, District 4: (337) 291-5104

Glenn Lazard, District 5: (337) 291-5105

Please BCC:

Contact Mayor Josh Guillory by phone: 337-291-8300
or email:

Merci beaucoup!