How to talk to your Council Person

As the City Council considers new short-term rental regulations it’s important as owners that we engage with our representatives, let them know our stories and tell them how we feel about regulation. Here are some tips:

Know Your Council Representatives
The city and parish are each split into 5 districts. You have a council person for the city and the parish. Finding out who your representatives are is as easy as entering your address in the Council District Search Website.

E-mail your Council Reps
Once you know your city and parish representatives, gather your thoughts and send them an e-mail. Short and sweet is best, but be sure to include a few things:

  1. A subject title that lets them know you Support Short-term rentals
  2. Your home address and STR addresses. If you live in one district but have STRs in another, include the council reps for both districts.
  3. Tell the story of your STR. Why do you do it? What do you pay for with the money? What have been your experiences?
  4. Tell them your thoughts on regulation. Do you think it’s necessary? What do you think of the ideas currently being discussed, like a permitting process?

Call your Council Reps
An e-mail will help you organize your thoughts and leaves a record of your communication with your representative, but a phone call can lead to a meaningful one-on-one conversation with your representative. You’ll likely get their voicemail when you call so be prepared to leave a short and concise message, but ask that they call you back at their convenience. Your councilperson may want to hear more of your story or have questions about your property. You don’t need to be an expert on STRs. Just tell your story and make it clear what’s at stake for you.

Encourage Neighbors, Friends and Family to do the Same
Our neighbors who see our AirBnBs every day are some of our best allies. Family and friends who know what our properties mean to us, or feel strongly that local government shouldn’t mettle in our personal property rights are also great. The people in our lives may already have opinions about this issue. It’s up to us to encourage them to share those thoughts with our local decision-makers.

Contact Mayor Josh Guillory by phone: 337-291-8300
or email:

City Council Members

Nanette Cook, District 4: (337) 291-5104

Glenn Lazard, District 5: (337) 291-5105

Don’t know your councilperson? Click here to find out.

Parish Council Members
Short-term rental regulation is only being considered by the City of Lafayette, not other areas of Lafayette Parish.

Bryan Tabor, District 1: (337) 291-8801

Kevin Naquin, District 2: (337) 291-8802

Josh Carlson, District 3: (337) 291-8803

John Guilbeau, District 4: (337) 291-8804

Abraham “AB” Rubin, Jr., District 5: (337) 291-8805

Don’t know your councilperson? Click here to find out.